QR codes are 2D barcodes that allow you to encode more data than standard barcodes. QR codes (Quick Response) codes can be used to encode URLs Phone numbers, and much more. This page explores some of the different readers and what they can and can not decode. This will then help answer some best practices questions that have been posed.
QR Decoding Software for Mobile Phones
Nokia Barcode Reader
Glass ( http://www.activeprint.org/glass.html ) EU only
BeeTagg - Full list of supported phones
(loads more now for the iPhone)
- Barcode
- Barcodes
- iDecode
- ScanLife
- 2D Sense
- Tag Reader (not sure if this is good)
Test QR-Codes
This is a growing list of tests that have been or will be preformed with different hardware and software.
QR-Code Tests
Software/Pass Fail tests
Each test has a page with a break-down of how well each hardware/software pairing worked.
Best Practices
- Should you announce what and where this barcode will do/take you?
- Should you have downloadable content, or prefer URLs?
- Should you encode as much text as possible, or a URL to more text
- Minimum whitespace recommended around a barcode?
- Changing the color of the image? or leave it B&W (akin to only use blue hyperlinks?)
- Should codes be printed on transparent materials such as glass or overlaid on patterns or photos
- inline with text, or as a footer, side image
- Should a user be able to print/tear out the barcode for later scaning
- how big or small should it be on-screen/in-print
- optimal error encoding, does print get damaged often, does this even matter for on screen?
- should you have multiple barcodes for different functions, or just one
User Stories
- Brian has a business card, on the back he has a QR code.
- A shop has store hours, outside they want a QR code for more information.
- Bus Stop timetable
- Food wrapings
- A band posters hanging outside temporarily
- Magazine print ad
- A self printed ticket ?
Create QR Codes
Pages that are empty or need expanding.
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